Pump outlet structure of pumpable vertical long shaft pump under installation foundation

Pump outlet on the basis of installation can not be pumped vertical long-axis pump structure: HLB, HLBK, HLKT, HLBS, HLKS and other long-axis pumps, vertical long-axis pump, long-axis oblique-flow pump, vertical oblique-flow pump outlet under the installation foundation can be pumped vertical long-axis pump structure...


Dimension Diagram of Outlet Flange of Vertical Long Shaft Pump

Dimension Diagram of Outlet Flange of Vertical Long Shaft Pump...


Structural Characteristics of Vertical Long Shaft Pump

Structural Characteristics of Vertical Long Shaft Pump...


Technical Requirements for Performance of Rubber Guide Bearing of Vertical Long Shaft Pump

Technical Requirements for Performance of Rubber Guide Bearing of Vertical Long Shaft Pump...


Percentage of prime mover power and shaft power of vertical long-axis pump

Percentage of prime mover power and shaft power of vertical long-axis pump...


Technical Requirements for Operating Clearance of Vertical Long Shaft Pump

Technical Requirements for Operating Clearance of Vertical Long Shaft Pump...

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